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Selective Mutism (SM) is a childhood anxiety disorder that is characterized by a child's inability to speak in public settings, such as school, despite speaking fully at home.  Children with SM are often perceived as being shy, rude, or defiant and seldom receive the support they need to overcome the anxiety.  SM is not something that children outgrow and early intervention is crucial.  Without the proper help, SM can lead to future social and emotional problems.


The prevalence of SM is estimated to impact 7 in 1000 children.  The average onset age of SM is 5, the age when most children first enter school.  In general, SM affects girls at a slightly greater number than boys.  SM can last several months or several years without the proper support.


For additional information, visit the Selective Mutism Group website.






2 NOV 2013

We will be attending the SMG Conference in Berkeley, Ca. Please stop by the bookstore to check out our new picture book Maya's Voice.




​1 OCT 2013

Our book is now available on AMAZON in paperback form. Reserve a copy for yourself and your school today!

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